Land Your Dream Job! Stand Out from the Crowd! Resume Review
Your resume is the first step toward landing your dream job. Make sure it’s working for you, not against you.
With Deb Oronzio’s Resume Review Service, you’ll get expert guidance, current trends, and that critical ATS-ready edge.
At the Beginning of Your Career …
The work was challenging, you were learning new skills and developing your expertise. You were respected in your position and looking forward to a successful career path. Fast forward to now – whether in the same role all that time or changing positions a few times, your life and priorities have probably changed. With experience and expertise in your tool kit, you now seek new challenges, further skill development, continued respect, and recognition with equitable compensation. At the same time, you want a life!
Time for a Purposeful Career
You seek a purpose-filled job that aligns well with your personal life. When I polled several women who pursued entrepreneurship after bearing battle scars from the corporate workplace, a handful always knew that entrepreneurship was in their future. The majority came to a pivotal moment in their career when they knew that autonomy, flexibility and freedom were more important to them than a routine paycheck. The good news is that you don’t have to become an entrepreneur to develop an entrepreneurial mindset, one that embraces problems as opportunities, envisions possibilities and makes them happen!

Testimonials from Satisfied Clients
Create Your Vision and Make It Happen!
Yes, it’s possible to envision, design and activate your ideal career vision so you can make it happen. Using my skills as a DreamBuilder coach, we will work together to envision and design your ideal career. Once identified, we will develop a holistic, customized job search strategy including the essentials you need to promote yourself effectively – from personal branding, resume, and social media profile(s) to networking, company targeting, informational interviewing, virtual and live interviewing, negotiating and landing the job of your dreams.
Success Is ....
Create Your Career Vision
Take the time to “spec out” your ideal career. It’s what we do when planning a major project. Y.O.U. are the highest priority project and the time you spend creating that advance design will be well worth it.
These 10 basic questions are meant to get you started. Look at my video to gain a deeper perspective on points to consider when answering these. Be sure to answer any additional questions that come up for you.
Whether you remain on your same career path, make a modest pivot or decide to pursue something outrageous, this investment of your time will solidify your path to a new career that delivers success, satisfaction and significance.
Start the
“Create Your Career Vision”
Download Your FREE Career Vision Guide
Do You Need To ...
Be Proactive * Gain Clarity * Build Confidence
Watch the video to learn how this personalized session will help you to rediscover your talents, align them with your desired career move and start the journey of activating your ideal career path.
If you want the bottom line …
I invite you to set up a personalized career strategy session with me where together, we will review your individual career needs and desires. Maybe you’re stuck in a career you know could be better, maybe you’re unhappy with your prospects for advancement and tired of bumping your head against the glass ceiling, or maybe you just need a change, something different where you can feel appreciated and respected again.
Together, we will explore where you are now, rediscover your talents, align them with your desired career move and start the journey of activating your ideal career path.
Take advantage of this special offer for the clarity and confidence you seek
while you pursue your ideal career.
while you pursue your ideal career.
Really Take the Time to Think About This…
This is a commitment to Y.O.U that will help create a solid career plan that you can implement with clarity and focus to proceed with confidence. Getting there will take effort, patience and persistence. It’s not advisable to do it alone.
Don’t just finish watching this video wondering what it would be like had you taken action. You owe it to yourself to end the stress of an unfulfilling career now. Here is the perfect place to start … because you deserve a successful, satisfying, and significant career today.
Paradigm Shift
Our exciting prospects can be dampened quickly when we allow our limiting beliefs to introduce doubt, fear and anxiety.
This Paradigm Shift Video offers:
- 3 things you need to know to get “un-stuck”
- 3 strategies to rewire your brain to new ways of thinking
- 3 things you need to know to get “un-stuck”
- 3 strategies to rewire your brain to new ways of thinking
Watch the Video